How much is a gram of weed in the black market?
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is one of the unique ingredients in marijuana that is isolated for pharmaceutical usage, since five decades now. Medicinal value has not raised...
How to make weed that is effective?
Properly dried and optimally cured marijuana can only be less harsh. Weeds that are smooth and greener in taste are a perfect blend just...
Does weed go bad for anyone?
More than four hundred varies chemicals are present in marijuana. Not all are unique for the plant alone. Just 61 ingredients of the special...
Why marijuana should not be legalized?
When did we get to a situation where cigarette smokers are viewed as pariahs while marijuana smokers are hailed like heroes? All these happening...
Is marijuana a narcotic?
According to the United States Drug Enforcement Agency, marijuana is listed among the most restrictive classes of drugs that it uses in regulating harmful...
Fact sheet on the Pros and cons of weed
Debate on the usage and effectiveness of medical marijuana remained always there as a hot-bot top ice of discussion in many forums on the...
What happens if you eat weed instead of smoking it?
Marijuana infused edibles and the related potential health risks are the latest heated up pot conversations in the tipsy world of stoners. Edible pot...
Does marijuana cause cancer
For a long time now, the direct link between lung cancer and tobacco smoke is almost undeniable. But what about the issue about inhaling...
Is smoking weed a sin?
Christians must always evaluate the usage of weed from a different grid. The innate chemical constitution of marijuana will reveal you the fact here....