A few minutes after smoking marijuana, an individual’s heart beat goes up, the airways also become relaxed and more enlarged as a result. The blood vessels of the eyes widen which in turn makes the eyes appear to be bloodshot or reddish. The normal heart rate of a normal human being is at least anywhere between 70 to 80 beats per minute. The heart rate may go up at least 20 to 50 beats per minute or it can even double the pace in some rare instances. When one consumes drugs, including marijuana, this is the rare effect that can result.
There is little evidence to suggest that an individual’s increases the risk of having a heart attack within the first hour of smoking marijuana. This evidence suggests that the risk is put at almost five times of the usual chances of being at risk. The assumption as to how this conclusion was arrived at might have been based on the fact that weed consumption also increases blood pressure in some cases, it also leads to an increased heart rate and a reduction of the blood’s capacity to transport oxygen within the body system.
THC, a psychoactive marijuana ingredient may also bring about orthostatic hypotension, which is dizziness or head rush when you attempt to be on your feet which increases the likelihood that one may experience fainting spells or a fall after consuming marijuana. Like any other drug tolerance to any cardiovascular reactions to marijuana can be developed with repeated use of the drug. Some of these adverse effects of marijuana need to be scrutinized more closely especially given that there has been an increased consumption of medical marijuana by those with health issues. This examination could be quite useful to the older population who use marijuana and yet have an increased baseline risk as a result of age related complication factors.
Just like tobacco smoke, marijuana smoke is also an irritant to the lungs and throat; therefore it may cause unstoppable coughing when it is inhaled. The smoke also contains toxic particles and gases that could possibly damage the lungs. Some of the major effects associated with marijuana consumption is large airway inflammation, lung hyperinflation, increased resistance to the airway. It is also worth noting that regular marijuana smokers also report increased symptoms of chronic bronchitis more than what non smokers report.
Exposure to inhaled marijuana is likely to reduce how the respiratory system protects itself from exposure to health a risk which also increases the likelihood that the user will acquire respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia. One study revealed that regular marijuana smokers claimed more sick days from the work place than the other employees, most often this being as a result of respiratory infections.
What may be seen as some positive effects of marijuana and which lead to the use of marijuana for medical reasons has been a subject of discussion for some time now. There have been heated debates about the issue for decades now. In particular, THC has been proven as having medical benefits especially when they are in particular formulations.